Identity Members

Identity Members

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Name Description
Identity() Constructor for serialization only.
Identity(String) Constructs an identity with the specified name and no scope.
Identity(String, IdentityScope) Constructs an identity with the specified name and scope.

Name Description
addCertificate(Certificate) Adds a certificate for this identity.
certificates() Returns a copy of all the certificates for this identity.
equals(Object) Tests for equality between the specified object and this identity.
getInfo() Returns general information previously specified for this identity.
getName() Returns this identity's name.
getPublicKey() Returns this identity's public key.
getScope() Returns this identity's scope.
hashCode() Returns a hashcode for this identity.
identityEquals(Identity) Tests for equality between the specified identity and this identity.
removeCertificate(Certificate) Removes a certificate from this identity.
setInfo(String) Specifies a general information string for this identity.
setPublicKey(PublicKey) Sets this identity's public key.
toString() Returns a short string describing this identity, telling its name and its scope (if any).
toString(boolean) Returns a string representation of this identity, with optionally more details than that provided by the toString method without any arguments.