Interface Acl


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public interface Acl
extends Owner

Interface representing an Access Control List (ACL). An Access Control List is a data structure used to guard access to resources.

An ACL can be thought of as a data structure with multiple ACL entries. Each ACL entry, of interface type AclEntry, contains a set of permissions associated with a particular principal. (A principal represents an entity such as an individual user or a group). Additionally, each ACL entry is specified as being either positive or negative. If positive, the permissions are to be granted to the associated principal. If negative, the permissions are to be denied.

The ACL Entries in each ACL observe the following rules:

The package provides the interfaces to the ACL and related data structures (ACL entries, groups, permissions, etc.), and the classes provide a default implementation of the interfaces. For example, provides the interface to an ACL and the class provides the default implementation of the interface.

The interface extends the interface. The Owner interface is used to maintain a list of owners for each ACL. Only owners are allowed to modify an ACL. For example, only an owner can call the ACL's addEntry method to add a new ACL entry to the ACL.

See Also:
AclEntry, Owner, getPermissions