CallableStatement Members

CallableStatement Members

Interface Overview | This Package | All Packages

Name Description
getBigDecimal(int, int) Get the value of a NUMERIC parameter as a java.math.BigDecimal object.
getBoolean(int) Get the value of a BIT parameter as a Java boolean.
getByte(int) Get the value of a TINYINT parameter as a Java byte.
getBytes(int) Get the value of a SQL BINARY or VARBINARY parameter as a Java byte[]
getDate(int) Get the value of a SQL DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object
getDouble(int) Get the value of a DOUBLE parameter as a Java double.
getFloat(int) Get the value of a FLOAT parameter as a Java float.
getInt(int) Get the value of an INTEGER parameter as a Java int.
getLong(int) Get the value of a BIGINT parameter as a Java long.
getObject(int) Get the value of a parameter as a Java object.
getShort(int) Get the value of a SMALLINT parameter as a Java short.
getString(int) Get the value of a CHAR, VARCHAR, or LONGVARCHAR parameter as a Java String.
getTime(int) Get the value of a SQL TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object.
getTimestamp(int) Get the value of a SQL TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
registerOutParameter(int, int) Before executing a stored procedure call, you must explicitly call registerOutParameter to register the java.sql.Type of each out parameter.
registerOutParameter(int, int, int) Use this version of registerOutParameter for registering Numeric or Decimal out parameters.
wasNull() An OUT parameter may have the value of SQL NULL; wasNull reports whether the last value read has this special value.