ResultSetMetaData Members

ResultSetMetaData Members

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Name Description
columnNoNulls Does not allow NULL values.
columnNullable Allows NULL values.
columnNullableUnknown Nullability unknown.

Name Description
getCatalogName(int) What's a column's table's catalog name?
getColumnCount() What's the number of columns in the ResultSet?
getColumnDisplaySize(int) What's the column's normal max width in chars?
getColumnLabel(int) What's the suggested column title for use in printouts and displays?
getColumnName(int) What's a column's name?
getColumnType(int) What's a column's SQL type?
getColumnTypeName(int) What's a column's data source specific type name?
getPrecision(int) What's a column's number of decimal digits?
getScale(int) What's a column's number of digits to right of the decimal point?
getSchemaName(int) What's a column's table's schema?
getTableName(int) What's a column's table name?
isAutoIncrement(int) Is the column automatically numbered, thus read-only?
isCaseSensitive(int) Does a column's case matter?
isCurrency(int) Is the column a cash value?
isDefinitelyWritable(int) Will a write on the column definitely succeed?
isNullable(int) Can you put a NULL in this column?
isReadOnly(int) Is a column definitely not writable?
isSearchable(int) Can the column be used in a where clause?
isSigned(int) Is the column a signed number?
isWritable(int) Is it possible for a write on the column to succeed?