MessageFormat Members

MessageFormat Members

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Name Description
MessageFormat(String) Constructs with the specified pattern.

Name Description
applyPattern(String) Sets the pattern.
clone() Overrides Cloneable
equals(Object) Equality comparision between two message format objects
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) Formats an object to produce a string.
format(Object[], StringBuffer, FieldPosition) Returns pattern with formatted objects.
format(String, Object[]) Convenience routine.
getFormats() Gets formats that were set with setFormats.
getLocale() Gets the locale.
hashCode() Generates a hash code for the message format object.
parse(String) Parses the string.
parse(String, ParsePosition) Parses the string.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) Parses the string.
setFormat(int, Format) Sets formats individually to use on parameters.
setFormats(Format[]) Sets formats to use on parameters.
setLocale(Locale) Constructs with the specified pattern and formats for the arguments in that pattern.
toPattern() Gets the pattern.