Class ListResourceBundle

Class java.util.ListResourceBundle

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public abstract class ListResourceBundle
extends ResourceBundle

ListResourceBundle is a abstract subclass of ResourceBundle that manages resources for a locale in a convenient and easy to use list. See ResourceBundle for more information about resource bundles in general.

Subclasses must override getContents and provide an array, where each item in the array is a pair of objects. The first element of each pair is a String key, and the second is the value associated with that key.

In the following example, the keys are of the form "s1"... The actual keys are entirely up to your choice, so long as they are the same as the keys you use in your program to retrieve the objects from the bundle. Keys are case-sensitive. MyResource is the default version of the bundle family, and MyResource_fr is the french version:

 class MyResource extends ListResourceBundle {
 	public Object[][] getContents() {
 		return contents;
 	static final Object[][] contents = {
 		{"s1", "3"},		// starting value in choice field
 		{"s2", "MyDisk"},	// starting value in string field
 		{"s3", "3 Mar 96"},	// starting value in date field
 		{"s4", "The disk '{1}' contained {0} on {2}."},	// initial pattern
 		{"s5", "0"},		// first choice number
 		{"s6", "no files"},	// first choice value
 		{"s7", "1"},		// second choice number
 		{"s8", "one file"},	// second choice value
 		{"s9", "2"},		// third choice number
 		{"s10", "{0}|3 files"},	// third choice value
 		{"s11", "format threw an exception: {0}"},	// generic exception message
 		{"s12", "ERROR"},	// what to show in field in case of error
 		{"s14", "Result"},	// label for formatted stuff
 		{"s13", "Dialog"},	// standard font
 		{"s15", "Pattern"},	// label for standard pattern
 		{"s16", new Dimension(1,5)}	// real object, not just string
 class MyResource_fr  extends ListResourceBundle {
 	public Object[][] getContents() {
 		return contents;
 	static final Object[][] contents = {
 		{"s1", "3"},		// starting value in choice field
 		{"s2", "MonDisk"},	// starting value in string field
 		{"s3", "3 Mar 96"},	// starting value in date field
 		{"s4", "Le disk '{1}' a {0} a {2}."},	// initial pattern
 		{"s5", "0"},		// first choice number
 		{"s6", "pas de files"},	// first choice value
 		{"s7", "1"},		// second choice number
 		{"s8", "une file"},	// second choice value
 		{"s9", "2"},		// third choice number
 		{"s10", "{0}|3 files"},	// third choice value
 		{"s11", "Le format a jete une exception: {0}"},	// generic exception message
 		{"s12", "ERROR"},	// what to show in field in case of error
 		{"s14", "Resulte"},	// label for formatted stuff
 		{"s13", "Dialogue"},	// standard font
 		{"s15", "Pattern"},	// label for standard pattern
 		{"s16", new Dimension(1,3)}	// real object, not just string

See Also:
ResourceBundle, PropertyResourceBundle