Fast Development in Visual InterDev


Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ offers several features to help you create Web sites faster. These features include wizards, design-time controls, a cascading style sheet (CSS) editor, a new WYSIWYG page editor, and automatic statement completion. Wizards create Visual InterDev projects for you that you can customize to your needs. Design-time controls make it easy to integrate sophisticated functionality into your Web applications. The new editors shield you from raw cascading style sheet or HTML code and provide immediate visual feedback on the changes you make. Automatic statement completion eliminates the need to memorize scripting syntax, methods, and properties.

Creating Projects Quickly with Wizards

Visual InterDev provides the following wizards to help you with common tasks:

Wizard Description
Sample Application Wizard Installs the Visual InterDev Gallery sample application or third-party Web applications.

For more information, see Sample Application Wizard in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Web Project Wizard Creates a new Web project, connects to an existing Web application, or creates a new Web application.

For more information, see Web Project Wizard online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Integrating Sophisticated Functionality with Design-Time Controls

You can create Web pages with data-bound controls as easily as dragging controls to the page and setting a few properties. You can configure these controls to be optimized for broad reach through server processing or take advantage of the features of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. Design-time controls take advantage of the new Visual InterDev scripting object model so that you can easily integrate sophisticated functionality into your Web applications.

For More Information   See the following topics online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Editing Cascading Style Sheets Easily

You can edit style sheets easily in the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) editor. You can create or modify style sheets for a set of Web pages and preview how your pages would look if the current style sheet were applied. The CSS editor provides an easy-to-use interface for editing style sheets that shields you from editing the raw CSS text.

For More Information   See the following topics online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Creating Content Using Design View

With this release, Visual InterDev introduces a new editor that includes a Design view for creating content in a WYSIWYG workspace. In addition to working in Design view, you can write script in the Source view and preview your file in Quick view. You can switch between these different views of your file with just a mouse click; the views are all shown on tabs at the bottom of the editor window.

For More Information   See the following topics online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Writing Fast and Accurate Scripting Code

Visual InterDev makes scripting faster and more accurate for you in this release by including IntelliSense statement completion. IntelliSense helps you create error-free script statements by presenting you with the names of available methods and properties as soon as you type in the name of an object.

For More Information   See Editing Modes, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.