Development Model


The development model is the "glue" that allows all the sub-models to work together, and provides a formal definition of the process and resources used to develop an application. Some of the questions this model answers are:

The development model itself is separated into two relatively independent sub-models, the development process model, which addresses issues of planning, scheduling, and milestones, and the development role model, which is concerned with the organization, coordination, and management of development teams.

How the development model interacts with other models

As the Enterprise Application Model shows, the development model permeates all of the Enterprise sub-models, guiding the process of development among them and coordinating their requirements and deliverables.

In this respect, there are no "typical" interactions, because you must account for every design and implementation decision in the development model.

How the Internet affects the development model

Examples of the way the Internet has impacted the development model include:

For more information   The development model is explored in greater depth in Chapter 2, "Enterprise Development Teams and Processes."