Understanding the DAO Object Model


The DAO object model is a collection of objects that model the structure of a relational database system. With the properties and methods provided by DAO objects, you can accomplish all of the operations necessary to manage such a system, including facilities for creating databases, defining tables, fields, and indexes, establishing relations between tables, and navigating and querying the database.

The Microsoft Jet database engine translates operations on data access objects into physical operations on the database files, handling all the mechanics of interfacing with the different supported databases.

The following drawing shows the DAO object model.

There are 15 objects in the DAO object model, as listed here.

Each Workspace object has a collection of Database objects. Each Database object represents all of the objects that might be present within an individual database. Of these objects, Recordset objects are certainly the most heavily used, providing the means to execute SQL statements and manipulate the result set. TableDef objects provide simple access to tables and their fields and indexes. The DAO object model is fairly complicated because it provides so much functionality through the Microsoft Jet engine for many different data sources.