reference-based project

Remote Automation

Remote Data Objects (RDO)

result set

reference-based project

A kind of project in which the contents of the project are defined by the contents listed in a project file. The project file lists the files that build with a project, along with the paths to those files. In this way, the project's files may be physically located anywhere on the developer's system. Examples of reference-based projects include Microsoft® Visual Basic® and Visual C++® projects, and — in the Microsoft development environment — Utility Projects or Database Projects. Contrast with directory-based project.

Remote Automation

A technology through which COM components can communicate across network boundaries. Remote Automation uses a combination of registry settings, proxies local to the client component, and an Automation Manager local to the server component.

Remote Data Objects (RDO)

An object model designed to deal with the special requirements of remote data access. RDO implements a thin code layer over the ODBC API and driver manager that establishes connections, creates result sets and cursors, and executes complex procedures using minimal workstation resources.

result set

The results from a query against a database. Result sets might contain rows when a query contains a SELECT statement. Action queries do not return rows but do return result sets that contain information about the operation, such as rows affected.