Sharing an Item

You can share an item across source control projects when Visual SourceSafe is your source control provider. When you update one copy of the shared file, all copies reflect the new changes. The shared item is stored only once in the Visual SourceSafe database, with pointers to the item in the other projects. Do not share project or solution files.

Note   The ability to share items is not available in Visual InterDev.

To share an item in the development environment

  1. In the Project Explorer, select either the folder or project in which you want to place the shared files.

  2. On the Project menu, point to Source Control, and then click Share.

  3. In the Visual SourceSafe Share dialog box, browse in the directory list for the item you want to share and click that item.

  4. Click Share.

Note   Whenever possible, you should perform source control action — for example, Check Out — through the development environment so that the environment can keep an accurate understanding of the actions performed on that item.