Renaming Items

You can request new names for items in the Microsoft development environment. These requests are passed to your source control server to see if they are legal names, not identical to other names, and that they pass all the regulations set by that source control program. If the new name is accepted by your source control program, and then the name is changed.

To rename an item in source control through the development environment

  1. If the item you want to rename is checked in, check out the item from source control.

  2. In the Project Explorer, select the item.

  3. On the File menu, click Rename.

  4. In the Project Explorer, edit the item name.

  5. In the Push Rename to Server dialog box, select the items to control with the action of your choice. You can push the selected rename items to the source control server, be reminded later about the items, or do nothing and keep the rename local to your machine.

  6. Click OK.

If something is wrong somewhere and the source control database project needs the correct name, and there is no other way to rename the items involved through the development environment, you can rename the item only in the source control database (through the development environment). This is not the procedure to rename an item in your local project — use the File menu, Rename command for that. Any changes made with this Rename dialog box are not reflected on your local machine, just on the source control database, which may introduce discrepancies later.

To rename an item in the source control database only

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the item, project, or solution.

  2. On the Project menu, point to Source Control, and then click Rename.

  3. In the Rename File in Source Control dialog box, enter the new name for the item in the New item name box.

    This name request is for the source control database only, and will not be reflected in the Microsoft development environment.

  4. Click Rename.