Generating and Placing Project Outputs


After you've set up the Web server, and identified the deployment target in the Microsoft development environment, you can set up the files or outputs to deploy to that deployment target. When preparing for deployment, you should understand:

What Are Project Outputs?

The "outputs" of a project are the files required at run time to run the project. For example, the outputs of a Visual J++ applet project would be the HTML pages and Java class files.

What Files Will Be Deployed?

A deployment target can contain both project outputs and files that do not require a building process, for example, a Readme.txt or a Picture.gif file. If you add a non-building file to a deployment target, that file is copied to the deployment target's URL.

How to Deploy Project Outputs

To deploy the outputs of a project, you can add the project to a deployment target, and then select Deploy from the Project menu. The outputs of that particular project are set in the property pages for that project.

For example, the outputs of a Visual J++ project can be specified either by file name or by file type (such as the file extension, *.class). You can specify the outputs on the Project Properties dialog box, on the Deployment Property tab. By selecting items in this tab, you can control which files are deployed.

How a Visual InterDev Project Is Deployed

You cannot modify the outputs of a Visual InterDev project. When you deploy a Visual InterDev project, the entire Visual InterDev Web site is copied and installed to the URL specified in the deployment target.