When a Visual J++ project is deployed or included in a distribution unit project, the outputs of the project are deployed or packaged. In this context, the outputs are the set of files required at run time to run the component or application built in the project. You can specify the files that make up the outputs of your project.
To add and remove files to/from the list of outputs for your Visual J++ project
Display the Deployment tab for the project.
You can set the outputs of the project in two ways: You can set the file types (sorted by file extensions) or you can select specific files.
To set the outputs by file type, click Outputs of type. Select the appropriate filter. You can customize the filter by editing the filter string.
To set the outputs by selecting specific files, click These project outputs. The list box shows a list of all the available files in the Visual J++ project, and you can choose the files you want to include in the packaging configuration.
A distribution unit generated by specifying the packaging configuration of a Visual J++ project is always included in the Visual J++ project's output files, regardless of the filter or files selected.