Add/Remove Columns Dialog Box


Use the Add/Remove Columns dialog box to customize the information you see in the Event List view, the event tree in the Chart view, and the Summary view.



Moves selected columns from the list of available columns to the list of selected columns. When you close the dialog box, the Event List view will redisplay with the columns you choose.

Available Columns

Contains an alphabetical list of the columns that you can add to the Event List view. You can select a column name and click Add.

Move Up, Move Down

Reorder column names in the Selected Columns list. You can undo changes by clicking Reset. Does not work with more than one column name selected.


Moves columns from the list of selected columns to the list of available columns. When you close the dialog box, the Event List view will redisplay with the columns you choose.


Resets the columns in the Available and Selected Columns lists to the way they were when you opened the Add/Remove Columns dialog box. In addition to moving columns back to the lists where they originated, Reset undoes any ordering changes you make with the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Selected Columns

Contains a list of the columns that will be displayed in the Event List view when you close this dialog box. To remove a column from the view, select its name and click Remove.