Project Explorer — Visual Studio Analyzer Projects


Use the Project Explorer to manage a Visual Studio Analyzer project. Each project contains event logs, filters, and references to connected machines. This information is presented in the Project Explorer tree view, with separate nodes for event logs, filters, and machines.

From the Project Explorer, you can manage your Visual Studio Analyzer projects in the following ways:


Add Event Log

Adds an event log with a predefined name to your project. Available by clicking on the Event Logs node.

Add Filter

Adds a filter with a predefined name to your project and opens the Filter Editor. Available by clicking on the Filters node.

Add Item

Displays the Add Item dialog box, where you can add machines, event logs, or filters to your project. Available by right-clicking on the Event Logs or Filters node.

Add Predefined Filter

Displays a menu where you can choose a predefined filter to add to your project. Predefined filters are shipped ready to collect certain Visual Studio Analyzer events; you can modify predefined filters to suit your purposes.

Apply Filter to View

Applies the selected filter to the foreground Visual Studio Analyzer view. Available by right-clicking on an individual filter.


Displays the Chart View. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.

Component Diagram

Displays the Component Diagram, one of the block diagram views. The Component Diagram shows only the components included in the event log. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.


Displays the Connect to Machine dialog box, where you can specify a machine you want to monitor with Visual Studio Analyzer. Available by right-clicking on an individual machine.

Connect to Machine

Displays the Connect to Machine dialog box, where you can specify a machine you want to monitor with Visual Studio Analyzer. Available by right-clicking on either the top-level project node or the Machines node.


Disconnects from a specific machine. Available by right-clicking on an individual machine.


Displays the Event view. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.

Event List

Displays the Event List view. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.

Machine Diagram

Displays the Machine Diagram, one of the Block Diagram views. The Machine Diagram shows only the machines included in the event log. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.

Pause Recording

Suspends event recording in the active event log. Click again to resume event recording. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.

Process Diagram

Displays the Process Diagram, one of the Block Diagram views. The Process Diagram shows only the processes included in the event log. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.

Record Events

Starts recording events into an event log. Click again to stop recording events. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log.


Removes a selected event log, filter, or machine from the project. Available by right-clicking on an individual event log, filter, or machine.

Set Record Filter

Marks the selected filter for event recording. Click again to clear. Available by right-clicking on an individual filter.

View Filter Editor

Displays the selected filter in the Filter Editor. Available by right-clicking on an individual filter.

View Filter Text

Displays the selected filter in text mode in the Filter Editor. Available by right-clicking on an individual filter.