ISystemDebugEventInstallAuto, ISystemDebugEventInstall


Registers the calling component as a source of Visual Studio Analyzer events; also registers the event categories and events the component generates.

Use ISystemDebugEventInstallAuto if your component is written in Microsoft® Visual Basic® or Microsoft® Visual J++™. If your component is written in Microsoft® Visual C++®, use ISystemDebugEventInstall instead.

Component Methods

IsSourceRegistered Reports whether a particular component is registered.
RegisterSource Registers an application or component as a source of Visual Studio Analyzer events.
UnRegisterSource Uninstalls a component.

Category Method

RegisterEventCategory Registers a user-defined category for events.

Event Methods

RegisterCustomEvent Registers a user-defined event.
RegisterStockEvent Registers a system-defined event.

Dynamic Component Methods

IsDynamicSourceRegistered Reports whether a particular dynamic component is registered.
RegisterDynamicSource Registers an application or component as a source of dynamic Visual Studio Analyzer events.
UnRegisterDynamicSource Uninstalls a dynamic component.