Mapping DMI To The CIM Schema

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The WBEM DMI Provider uses the following schema to represent the MIF component group attribute information:

Static class defined in MOF. Used to establish the network address of the managed node.
Dynamic singleton class with a dynamic instance. Contains DmiGetConfig data. Has methods that allow you to add and delete components, and set the default language.
A dynamic class with dynamic instances. Contains component and component ID group data. Has methods that allow you to add a group, add and delete a language, and extract the component ID group attribute enumeration.
A dynamic class with dynamic instances. Contains language data.
This is an abstract class that does not have any instances. All dynamic group classes are derived from this class.
Dynamic DmiGroup Classes
A dynamic class is created for each group on the managed node. Each dynamic group class is given a name in the form:
Component<Component Id>__Group<Group Id>__<Class String>.

A dynamic instance is created for each row of a tabular group. For a scalar group, only one instance is created.

This is an abstract class from which all bindings in the namespace are derived. The classes derived from DmiBindingRoot are used to bind a DmiComponent class to a DmiNode class, a DmiGroup class to a DmiComponent class, and so on.
Instances of this dynamic class bind DmiLanguage instances to instances of DmiComponent.
Dynamic DmiGroupBinding Classes
A dynamic group binding class is created for each group on the managed node. Each dynamic group binding class is given a name in the form:
Component<Component Id>__Group<Group Id>__<Class String>__Binding.

Dynamic instances of these classes are created for each row of a tabular group. For a scalar group, only one instance is created. An instance of a dynamic group binding class binds an instance of a dynamic group class to an instance of a DmiComponent.

Instances of this dynamic class contain the parameters required by the add language, add group, and delete language methods.
Instances of this dynamic class contain the parameters required by the get attribute enumeration method.
DmiEnum class
A dynamic class created for attribute enumeration. Instances of this class contain the value string pair of a DMI attribute's enumeration.
Instances of this dynamic class are used in setting the default language.
Instances of this dynamic class are generated when a DMI event is generated.