[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
After creating a logical consumer and an event filter, an administrator must associate a particular consumer with a particular filter. This association is accomplished by creating a binding object, an instance of the __FilterToConsumerBinding system class. The __FilterToConsumerBinding class is an association class; that is, its properties include references to the instance of the derived __EventConsumer class and the __EventFilter instance.
A third property, SynchronousDelivery, determines whether event notifications are delivered synchronously or asynchronously. Setting this property to TRUE is a request for synchronous delivery. Whether or not events are actually delivered synchronously depends on whether the associated event consumer provider supports synchronous delivery. Synchronous delivery should only be considered when the permanent consumer can process an event within 20 msec.
The following __FilterToConsumerBinding instance shows how to associate an instance of the EmailConsumer class, a class derived from __EventConsumer, with a particular event filter. The object path of the logical consumer is its e-mail address, stored in the EmailAddress property of the class. The object path of the event filter is the GUID value stored in its Name property. Events are to be delivered asynchronously.
Instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
Consumer = "EmailConsumer = \"mike@anywhere.com\"";
Filter = "__EventFilter =
SynchronousDelivery = FALSE;