CIM Property and Qualifier Compliance

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following table defines the system properties that can be present within a CIM class. Each property is defined as mandatory or optional. A mandatory property must be present for the SNMP provider to fully resolve a group object. Failure to define a mandatory property returns an error condition.

Table 9: CIM System Properties

Property name Property syntax Status Description
__CLASS string Mandatory For instances, the class to which the object belongs.

For classes, this is the class name.

__GENUS uint32 Mandatory Type of object. Can be one of :

1 - Class

2 - Instance

__NAMESPACE string Mandatory The namespace where the object is located.
__SERVER string Mandatory The machine where the object is located.
__SUPERCLASS string Optional The immediate parent class.
__DYNASTY string Optional The name of the class that is the ultimate base class for the current object (not its immediate parent class).
__PROPERTYCOUNT uint32 Mandatory The number of nonsystem properties.
__PATH string Mandatory The absolute path of the class or instance.
__RELPATH string Mandatory The relative path of the class or instance.

The following table defines the qualifiers that can be associated with a CIM class. Each qualifier is defined as mandatory or optional. A mandatory qualifier must be present for the SNMP provider to fully resolve a group object. Failure to define a mandatory qualifier returns an error condition.

Table 10: CIM Class Qualifiers

Qualifier Qualifier syntax Status Description
description string Optional Class description.
module_name string Optional SNMP-defined module name.
group_objectid string Optional Fabricated group object identifier. Mandatory if the class is for the SNMP class provider.
module_imports string Optional SNMP-defined list of module names used to resolve imports.

The following table defines the qualifiers that can be associated with a CIM property. Each qualifier is defined as mandatory or optional. A mandatory qualifier must be present for the SNMP provider to resolve an SNMP MIB object fully. Failure to define a mandatory qualifier returns an error condition. If an illegal qualifier value is specified, the SNMP providers returns an error condition.

Table 11: CIM Property Qualifiers

Qualifier Qualifier syntax Status
name string Mandatory; note that this qualifier is not explicitly defined.
description string Optional.
status string Optional.
object_identifier string Mandatory.
object_syntax string Optional.
cimtype string Mandatory.
textual_convention string Mandatory.
encoding string Optional.
fixed_length uint32 Optional.
variable_length string Optional.
variable_value string Optional.
enumeration string Mandatory if textual_convention == ENUMERATEDINTEGER.
bits string Mandatory if textual_convention == BITS.
display_hint string Optional.
key Bool Optional.
key_order uint32 Optional; mandatory if key is specified.
virtual_key Bool Optional.
read Bool Optional; at least one of read or write must be specified.
write Bool Optional; at least one of read or write must be specified.
defval string Optional.
reference string Optional.
units string Optional.