Object Viewer

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The right frame in the WBEM Object Browser is the Object Viewer, which displays details on a selected object. Using the tabs, you can display the properties, methods, and associations for an object. For additional information on each of these views, see Object Browser Functions. Selecting a regular object in the Object Explorer automatically updates the Object Viewer to show details on that object. Selecting a grouping node updates the Object Viewer to show an instance table for that node.

The Object Viewer uses an additional icon to identify association objects () on the Associations page.

The Object Viewer includes the following buttons:

Back/Forward buttons display previously-viewed pages.
Save button commits changed information to CIMOM.
Views button switches to custom views of object data. See Displaying Custom Views of Object Data.

The WBEM Object Browser also includes a Help button (). Double-click this button to open help on the WBEM ActiveX applications.