
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The object that exports the DIWbemQualifierSet interface acts as a container for the entire set of named qualifiers for a single property or for an entire object depending on how the object was obtained. If the object was obtained from DWbemClassObject.GetQualifierSet, the object consists of the set of qualifiers for an entire object (a class or instance). If the object was obtained from DWbemClassObject.GetPropertyQualifierSet, the object represents the qualifiers for a particular property.

In WBEM, this interface is always in-process. Put operations only affect the local copy of the object. Get operations retrieve values from the local copy. Perform updates only when entire objects are written using the methods DIWbemServices.PutClass or DIWbemServices.PutInstance.


BeginEnumeration Resets prior to an enumeration of all qualifiers.
Delete Deletes the specified named qualifier.
EndEnumeration Ends an enumeration of qualifiers.
Get Reads a particular named qualifier.
GetNames Gets the names of qualifiers subject to certain filters.
Next Gets the next qualifier during an enumeration of all qualifiers.
Put Writes a particular named qualifier.