
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The DIWbemCallResult.GetResultObject method returns the object. This results from a semisynchronous invocation of DIWbemServices.GetObject or DIWbemServices.ExecMethod. If the object is not yet available, the call returns WBEM_S_PENDING. Before invoking this method to get the object you want, you may also call DIWbemCallResult.GetCallStatus until it returns WBEM_NO_ERROR.

  [in] lTimeout AS Long ,
  [out] ppResultObject As Object
) As Long


Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds to waitfor the call to return. If you use the value WBEM_INFINITE, the call will block until the object is available. If you use zero, the call immediately returns either the object or a status code.
Object of type DWbemClassObject. This parameter cannot be NOTHING It receives the copy of the object when the object becomes available.

On error, a new object is not returned.

Return Values

WBEM_NO_ERROR The object was returned successfully.
WBEM_S_PENDING The object was not yet available after the lTimeout value expired.
WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND The object did not exist.
WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED The call failed, and is not expected to complete.
WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER An invalid parameter was specified, or the namespace could not be parsed.
WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED The caller attempted an unauthorized operation.

For more information on return values see Visual Basic error handeling and return values.

See Also

DIWbemServices.GetObject DIWbemServices.ExecMethod.