
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The DIEnumWbemClassObject interface resembles a standard Component Object Model (COM) enumerator. This interface works with objects of type DWbemClassObject. However, it differs in that it supports asynchronous and semisynchronous methods. The enumerator is a logical container of CIM objects, and is designed for sequential retrieval. Objects are retrieved from the enumerator sequentially with the Next method and the current position or cursor is updated so that subsequent calls to Next will retrieve the subsequent objects. When the last object has been retrieved the Reset method can be used to set the cursor back to the beginning of the enumeration.


Clone Makes a logical copy of the enumerator.
Next Retrieves the next object in the enumeration, starting from the current position.
NextAsync Retrieves the next object or objects using asynchronous integration with DIWbemObjectSink.
Reset Resets the cursor position to zero so you can repeat the enumeration.
Skip Skips over the object or objects, resulting in a new cursor position.