The ACMDM_FORMATTAG_DETAILS message requests an ACM driver to return information about a format tag.


Driver instance identifier. This is the value returned by the driver in response to the ACM_Open function.
Driver handle.
Pointer to an ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS structure. ( ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS is defined in Msacm.h and described in the Win32 SDK.)
Contains one of the following flags, specified by the fdwDetails parameter of the acmFormatTagDetails function, which is described in the Win32 SDK:
Indicates the dwFormatTagIndex member of the ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS structure contains a format tag index. The valid index range is from zero to one less than the cFormatTags member returned in the driver's ACMDRIVERDETAILS structure. (See ACMDM_DRIVER_DETAILS.)

The driver should return details for the format tag associated with the index.

Indicates the dwFormatTag member of the ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS structure contains a format tag.

The driver should return details for the specified format tag.

Indicates the driver should return details for the format tag having the largest format. The dwFormatTag member of ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS can contain a format tag or WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN.

Return Value

The driver should return MMSYSERR_NOERROR if the operation succeeds. Otherwise it should return one of the MMSYSERR error codes defined in Mmsystem.h, or one of the ACMERR error codes defined in Msacm.h. Possible error codes include:

Value Description
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED The driver does not support the specified query operation.
ACMERR_NOTPOSSIBLE The input parameter values do not represent a valid format or format tag.


The ACM (WAVEAPI.DLL) sends the ACMDM_FORMATTAG_DETAILS message by calling the ACM driver's ACM_IOControl() entry point via DeviceIoControl(). The ACM sends this message when an application calls the acmFormatTagDetails function, which is described the Win32 SDK.

All ACM drivers must support this message.

The client specifies the format tag in the ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS structure's dwFormatTag member. The driver returns information for a particular tag, as follows:

Before calling the driver's ACM_IOControl function, the ACM verifies that:

If the format tag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then the driver should return a zero-length string in szFormatTag. The ACM provides a description string for this format.

Before returning, the driver must set the ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS structure's cbStruct member to the actual number of bytes returned. The value returned in cbStruct must not be greater than the value received.

For more information about format tags, see Format Tags and Filter Tags in the Windows NT DDK.