
This member function searches for the next record in the database that has a property that matches the property passed in the Prop parameter. A matching property has both the same application-defined identifier and the same value.


CEOID SeekNextEqual( CCeDBProp& Prop );

At a Glance

Header file: Wcedb.h
Versions: 2.0 and later


A property having the same application-defined identifier and value as the property for which to seek.

Return Values

The object identifier of the next record having the same value for the specified property, or zero if the seek operation fails. Call ::GetLastError to determine why the operation failed.


A CCeDBDatabase object can only do a search on a property for which a sort order has been defined. This means that the database must have a sort property associated with it that has the same application-defined identifier as the property you pass in the Prop parameter. The SeekNextEqual function searches the database in the order specified by this sort property. If the property for which you are seeking does not have a sort order defined for it, SeekNextEqual will fail, regardless of whether the record being sought actually exists in the database.

This function never sets the m_bEOF data member to TRUE.

When there is no next record with a value equal to the value of Prop, this function returns zero.

See Also

CCeDBDatabase Overview, CCeDBDatabase Member Functions, Windows CE Database Classes, CCeDBDatabase::SeekFirstEqual, ::GetLastError