The CCeDBProp class encapsulates a Windows CE database property. A property is a data item that consists of an application-defined property identifier, a data type identifier, and the data.

A CCeDBProp object can also serve as a "sort" property. A sort property contains an application-defined identifier, a data type, and a set of flags that specify sorting information. A sort property is valueless, i.e. it does not contain any data.

At a Glance

Header file: Wcedb.h
Versions: 2.0 and later


In Windows CE 2.0, a database can have up to four sort properties, which are used to determine the sort order in which records are arranged. You cannot have two sort properties in the same database with the same application-defined identifier. In order to do a seek operation on a property value, that property must be one of the properties specified in the database's sort order.

If you specify a sort property when you open a database, and there are records in the database that don't contain the property on which the database is being sorted, those records will be placed last in the sort order. (If the sort property was defined with the flag Sort_UnknownFirst, they are placed before the sorted records, instead.)

See Also

CCeDBProp Member Functions, CCeDBProp Operators, CCeDBProp Data Members, Windows CE Database Classes, CEPROPVAL, SORTORDERSPEC