CFileDialog Member Functions

CFileDialog Constructs a CFileDialog object.

DoModal Displays the dialog box and allows the user to make a selection.
GetPathName Returns the full path of the selected file.
GetFileName Returns the filename of the selected file.
GetFileExt Returns the file extension of the selected file.
GetFileTitle Returns the title of the selected file.
GetNextPathName Returns the full path of the next selected file.
GetReadOnlyPref Returns the read-only status of the selected file.
GetStartPosition Returns the position of the first element of the filename list.

OnShareViolation Called when a share violation occurs.
OnFileNameOK Called to validate the filename entered in the dialog box.
OnLBSelChangedNotify Called when the list box selection changes.
OnFileNameChange Called to handle the CDN_SELCHANGE notification message.
OnFolderChange Called to handle the CDN_FOLDERCHANGE notification message.
OnInitDone Called to handle the CDN_INITDONE notification message.
OnTypeChange Called to handle the CDN_INITDONE notification message.

See Also

CFileDialog Overview, CFileDialog Data Members, Dialog Box Classes