CFrameWnd Member Functions

CFrameWnd Constructs a CFrameWnd object.

Command Bar
AddAdornments Adds a Close (X) button to the command bar. You can also use this function to add the OK and Help (?) buttons.
AddBitmap Adds images to the list of button images available to be used in a command bar.
AddComboBoxString Adds an element to the list box of the combo box on a command bar.
GetComboCount Retrieves the number of items in the list-box portion of a combo box on the command bar.
GetComboCurSel Retrieves the current selection in a command bar's combo box.
InsertButtons Inserts command bar buttons into the command bar. You can also use this function to insert a bitmap that contains button images.
InsertComboBox Inserts a combo box into the command bar.
InsertMenu Inserts a menu bar into the command bar.
SetComboCurSel Selects an element in the list box of the combo box on a command bar.

Create Call to create and initialize the Windows frame window associated with the CFrameWnd object.
LoadFrame Call to dynamically create a frame window from resource information.

ActivateFrame Makes the frame visible and available to the user.
InitialUpdateFrame Causes the OnInitialUpdate member function belonging to all views in the frame window to be called.
GetActiveFrame Returns the active CFrameWnd object.
SetActiveView Sets the active CView object.
GetActiveView Returns the active CView object.
CreateView Creates a view within a frame that is not derived from CView.
GetActiveDocument Returns the active CDocument object.
IsTracking Determines if splitter bar is currently being moved.
BeginModalState Sets the frame window to modal.
EndModalState Ends the frame window's modal state. Enables all of the windows disabled by BeginModalState.
InModalState Returns a value indicating whether or not a frame window is in a modal state.
ShowOwnedWindows Shows all windows that are descendants of the CFrameWnd object.

OnCreateClient Creates a client window for the frame.

See Also

CFrameWnd Overview, CFrameWnd Data Members, Frame Windows and Splitter Windows