CGdiObject Member Functions

CGdiObject Constructs a CGdiObject object.

Attach Attaches a Windows GDI object to a CGdiObject object.
CreateStockObject Retrieves a handle to one of the Windows predefined stock pens, brushes, or fonts.
DeleteObject Deletes the Windows GDI object attached to the CGdiObject object from memory by freeing all system storage associated with the object.
DeleteTempMap Deletes any temporary CGdiObject objects created by FromHandle.
Detach Detaches a Windows GDI object from a CGdiObject object and returns a handle to the Windows GDI object.
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CGdiObject object given a handle to a Windows GDI object.
GetObject Fills a buffer with data that describes the Windows GDI object attached to the CGdiObject object.
GetObjectType Retrieves the type of the GDI object.
GetSafeHandle Returns m_hObject unless this is NULL, in which case NULL is returned.

See Also

CGdiObject Overview, CGdiObject Data Members, Graphical Drawing Object Classes