CRectTracker Member Functions

CRectTracker Constructs a CRectTracker object.

Draw Renders the rectangle.
GetTrueRect Returns width and height of rectangle, including resize handles.
HitTest Returns the current position of the cursor related to the CRectTracker object.
NormalizeHit Normalizes a hit-test code.
Track Allows the user to manipulate the rectangle.
TrackRubberBand Allows the user to "rubber-band" the selection.

AdjustRect Called when the rectangle is resized.
DrawTrackerRect Called when drawing the border of a CRectTracker object.
OnChangedRect Called when the rectangle has been resized or moved.
GetHandleMask Called to get the mask of a CRectTracker item's resize handles.

See Also

CRectTracker Overview, CRectTracker Data Members, Support Classes