CString Member Functions

CString Constructs CString objects in various ways.

The String as an Array
GetLength Returns the number of characters in a CString object.
IsEmpty Tests whether a CString object contains no characters.
Empty Forces a string to have 0 length.
GetAt Returns the character at a given position.
SetAt Sets a character at a given position.

Compare Compares two strings (case sensitive).
CompareNoCase Compares two strings (case insensitive).

Mid Extracts the middle part of a string (like the Basic MID$ function).
Left Extracts the left part of a string (like the Basic LEFT$ function).
Right Extracts the right part of a string (like the Basic RIGHT$ function).
SpanIncluding Extracts a substring that contains only the characters in a set.
SpanExcluding Extracts a substring that contains only the characters not in a set.

Other Conversions
MakeUpper Converts all the characters in this string to uppercase characters.
MakeLower Converts all the characters in this string to lowercase characters.
MakeReverse Reverses the characters in this string.
Format Format the string as sprintf does.
TrimLeft Trim leading whitespace characters from the string.
TrimRight Trim trailing whitespace characters from the string.

Find Finds a character or substring inside a larger string.
ReverseFind Finds a character inside a larger string; starts from the end.
FindOneOf Finds the first matching character from a set.

Buffer Access
GetBuffer Returns a pointer to the characters in the CString.
GetBufferSetLength Returns a pointer to the characters in the CString, truncating to the specified length.
ReleaseBuffer Releases control of the buffer returned by GetBuffer.
FreeExtra Removes any overhead of this string object by freeing any extra memory previously allocated to the string.
LockBuffer Disables reference counting and protects the string in the buffer.
UnlockBuffer Enables reference counting and releases the string in the buffer.

AllocSysString Allocates a BSTR from CString data.
SetSysString Sets an existing BSTR object with data from a CString object.
LoadString Loads an existing CString object from a Windows resource.

See Also

CString Overview, CString Operators, Simple Value Types