CTabCtrl Member Functions

CTabCtrl Constructs a CTabCtrl object.
Create Creates a tab control and attaches it to an instance of a CTabCtrl object.

GetImageList Retrieves the image list associated with a tab control.
SetImageList Assigns an image list to a tab control.
GetItemCount Retrieves the number of tabs in the tab control.
GetItem Retrieves information about a tab in a tab control.
SetItem Sets some or all of a tab's attributes.
GetItemRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a tab in a tab control.
GetCurSel Determines the currently selected tab in a tab control.
SetCurSel Selects a tab in a tab control.
SetItemSize Sets the width and height of an item.
SetPadding Sets the amount of space (padding) around each tab's icon and label in a tab control.
GetRowCount Retrieves the current number of rows of tabs in a tab control.
GetCurFocus Retrieves the tab with the current focus of a tab control.

InsertItem Inserts a new tab in a tab control.
DeleteItem Removes an item from a tab control.
DeleteAllItems Removes all items from a tab control.
AdjustRect Calculates a tab control's display area given a window rectangle, or calculates the window rectangle that would correspond to a given display area.
RemoveImage Removes an image from a tab control's image list.
HitTest Determines which tab, if any, is at a specified screen position.

DrawItem Draws a specified item of a tab control.

See Also

CTabCtrl Overview, Control Classes