
LRESULT ImeEscape(HIMC hIMC, UINT uEscape, LPVOID lpData)

Allows an application to access the capabilities of a particular IME that are not directly available though other IMM functions. This is necessary mainly for country-specific functions or private functions in IME.


Handle of the input context.


Escape function to perform. Each escape function should include parameter validation. Can be one of these values:


Checks for implementation. If this escape is not implemented, the return value is zero.


The escape between IME_ESC_RESERVED_FIRST and IME_ESC_RESERVED_LAST is reserved by the system.


The escape between IME_ESC_RESERVED_FIRST and IME_ESC_RESERVED_LAST is reserved by the system.


The escape between IME_ESC_PRIVATE_FIRST and IME_ESC_PRIVATE_LAST is reserved for the IME. IME can freely use these escape functions for its own purposes.


The escape between IME_ESC_PRIVATE_FIRST and IME_ESC_PRIVATE_LAST is reserved for the IME. IME can freely use these escape functions for its own purposes.


The escape is Chinese-specific. An application that needs to run under all Far East platforms should not use it. It is for the Chinese EUDC editor. The lpData parameter is the sequence code, and the return value is the character code for this sequence code. Normally, the Chinese IME encodes its reading character codes into sequence 1 to n.


The escape is Chinese-specific. An application that needs to run under all Far East platforms should not use it. It is for the Chinese EUDC editor. On return from the function, the lpData is filled with the full path file name of EUDC dictionary. The size of the buffer pointed by lpData should be greater or equal to 80 * sizeof(TCHAR).


The escape is Chinese-specific. An application that needs to run under all Far East platforms should not use it. It is for Chinese the EUDC editor. On return from the function, the lpData is the full path file name of the EUDC dictionary. The path name should be less than 80 * sizeof(TCHAR).


The escape is Chinese-specific. An application that needs to run under all Far East platforms should not use it. It is for the Chinese EUDC editor. The return value is the maximum key stokes for an EUDC character.


The escape is Chinese-specific. An application that needs to run under all Far East platforms should not use it. It is for the Chinese EUDC editor. On return from the function, the lpData is the IMEname to be displayed on the EUDC editor. The size of the buffer pointed by lpData should be greater or equal to 16 * sizeof(TCHAR).


The escape is (Traditional) Chinese-specific. An application that needs to run under all Far East platforms should not use it. It is to synchronize between different IMEs. The input parameter lpData is the IME private hot key ID. If this ID is 0, this IME should check every private hot key ID it concerns.


The escape is Korean-specific. An application that needs to run under all Far East platforms should not use it. It is for conversion from Hangeul to Hanja. The input parameter lpData is filled with Hangeul character which will be converted to Hanja, and it's null terminated string. When the application needs to convert any Hangeul character to Hanja character in the same method of Hanja conversion with composition character is present, the application just requests this function and IME sets itself as Hanja conversion mode.


Address of the data required for the escape function specified by uEscape.