Text and Fonts

Drivers should set the TC_CP_STROKE and TC_RA_ABLE bits in the dpText member of the GDIINFO structure. The DIB engine sets these bits for minidrivers. Drivers do not need to set any other values. If not using the DIB engine, a driver must implement the ExtTextOut function to provide text-drawing capabilities. If using the DIB engine, implementing ExtTextOut is optional because the minidriver may forward ExtTextOut calls to the DIB engine functions DIB_ExtTextOut or DIB_ExtTextOutExt.

The new physical font format and implementation in Windows 95 is different than in previous versions of Windows. Additionally, the ExtTextOut function has been simplified so that display drivers that choose to implement this function will contains less code. For more information, see About The New Font Format and ExtTextOut.

See also DIB_ExtTextOut, DIB_ExtTextOutExt