Display Minidriver Guidelines

If you have created display drivers for earlier versions of Windows, you may prefer to start over again to take advantage of the display minidriver architecture. Your new minidriver will be much smaller and easier to write.

To write a display minidriver, use the following steps to take advantage of the DIB engine:

1. Implement the Enable Display Driver Interface (DDI) and create the PDEVICE structure for the driver. The PDEVICE structure must have the same format as the DIBENGINE structure.

2. Add code for Disable and Reenable.

3. Add VDD communication code.

4. Add hardware acceleration code if necessary.

5. Add hardware cursor code if applicable.

6. Add code for the Control DDI.

7. Process all calls as if they went to the DIB engine.

8. Add private data for PDEVICE, brushes, and pens if necessary.