Virtual Cursor Driver Services

VMOUSE draws the cursor for non-system VMs, but it supports only standard VGA modes. Also, VMOUSE supports only one cursor style for text mode (a block cursor) and one for graphics mode (an arrow cursor). A virtual cursor driver (cursor VxD) provides support for additional video modes and cursor styles for non-system VMs.

A virtual cursor driver (cursor VxD) contains a callback function that VMOUSE calls whenever an event occurs that affects the cursor. To install a cursor callback function, a cursor VxD fills the CURSORPROCINFO structure with information about the support it provides, including the address of the callback function, and uses the VMD_Set_Cursor_Proc function to pass the structure to VMOUSE. To notify the cursor VxD of an event, VMOUSE (or another VxD) uses the VMD_Call_Cursor_Proc function to call the cursor VxD's callback function. For more information about cursor VxDs, see

See also CURSORPROCINFO, VMD_Call_Cursor_Proc, VMD_Set_Cursor_Proc