Application Programming Interface Functions

VMOUSE provides a number of API functions that applications can call. Most are intended to be used only by the Windows mouse driver (MOUSE.DRV).

An application can call the VMDAPI_GET_VERSION function to retrieve the version number of VMOUSE. This is the only API function that can be called from a nonsystem VM.

Windows calls the VMDAPI_QUERY_WINDOWED_MOUSE_SUPPORT function to determine whether VMOUSE provides mouse support from nonsystem VM applications running in a window. The VMDAPI_GET_MOUSE_INFO function retrieves information about the mouse hardware, including the mouse-type identifier, the number of the IRQ that the mouse is using, and the number of the port that the mouse is using.

VMOUSE passes mouse events to the Windows USER module through the Mouse_Event callback function. Windows can use the VMDAPI_SET_MOUSE_EVENT_CALLBACK function to pass the address of a new callback function to VMOUSE.

Windows uses the VMDAPI_SET_MOUSE_FOCUS function to capture mouse input. After calling this function, VMOUSE directs all mouse input to the system VM.