typedef struct {
 DWORD dwSize;
 DWORD dwResult;
 UINT idMsg;
 BOOL fUnload;
 HANDLE hThread;

This structure contains the information for the result of the session configuration.


The size in bytes of the COMPLETE_INFO structure.


The session configuration result. The result can be any error code or one of the following.


The session configuration is successful. SMM can choose to unload itself from the system by setting the fUnload parameter to TRUE.


The SMM detects that it is not the right module to configure the session. When RNA sees this result, it will call this SMM by calling RnaSessStop before it proceeds to the next SMM.


A non-zero resource identifier for the description of the problem of the session configuration. The SMM should use this string to describe the details of the problem in case of failure. If the parameter is zero, RNA will use the default description for the dwResult value. In case of a SUCCESS return, this parameter is ignored.


A boolean value notifying RNA whther to unload SMM if the dwResult is SUCCESS, otherwise this parameter is ignored.


The thread handle RNA will wait before it unloads the SMM module. If it is NULL, RNA will unload the SMM module immediately. This parameter is ignored if fUnload is FALSE.