
void CALLBACK ProcessTabletEvents(WORD wHookID, WORD wEventType, 
     WPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2 );

Callback function, identified in the DRV_SetEntryPoints message, that receives data from the pen driver at the time of an interrupt. It must reside in a page-locked code segment because it functions as an interrupt handling routine.

ProcessTabletEvents is a place holder name representing the entry point. The entry point can have any name.


A single process can hook the pen driver more then once, providing the same entry point. When calling each entry point, the pen driver places the device ID in this parameter so the caller can determine what instance is being called. Note that this value is the value returned from the DRV_SetEntryPoints message.


The type of event.


Depends on the event type.


Depends on the event type.

The entry point that receives the interrupt-time pen information should examine wEventType and handle the call accordingly.