

DemandInfoStruc struc
DILin_Total_Count  dd  ?          ; pages in linear addr. space
DIPhys_Count       dd  ?          ; see below
DIFree_Count       dd  ?          ; see below
DIUnlock_Count     dd  ?          ; see below
DILinear_Base_Addr dd  ?          ; always zero
DILin_Total_Free   dd  ?          ; see below
DIPage_Faults      dd  ?          ; total page faults
DIPage_Ins         dd  ?          ; calls to pagers to page in
DIPage_Outs        dd  ?          ; calls to pagers to page out
DIPage_Discards    dd  ?          ; calls to pagers to discard
DIInstance_Faults  dd  ?          ; instance page faults
DIPagingFileMax    dd  ?          ; see below
DIPagingFileInUse  dd  ?          ; see below
DICommit_Count     dd  ?          ; total committed pages
DIReserved         dd  2 DUP (?)  ; reserved; do not use
DemandInfoStruc ends

The DemandInfoStruc structure contains information about pages that are subject to demand paging. The _GetDemandPageInfo service fills in the members of this structure.


Specifies the total number of physical pages managed by the memory manager.


Specifies the number of pages currently in the free pool.


Specifies the number of pages that are currently unlocked. Free pages are always unlocked.


Total number of free virtual pages in the current memory context. This value includes only pages in the private arena, the linear address range controlled by the memory context services.


Current maximum size of the swap file, in pages. This member is zero if swapping is turned off.


Number of swap file pages currently in use. This value reflects the number of pages by which physical memory is overcommitted. It is zero if swapping is turned off or if physical memory is available for all swappable pages.

See also _GetDemandPageInfo