

mov     eax, Default            ; default value
mov     esi, OFFSET32 Profile   ; points to section name
mov     edi, OFFSET32 Keyname   ; points to entry name
VMMcall Get_Profile_Hex_Int

jc      not_found               ; carry set if entry not found
jz      no_value                ; zero set if entry has no value

mov     [Value], eax            ; entry value

Returns the value of a hexadecimal-number entry in the SYSTEM.INI file. This service is only available during initialization. Uses Flags.


Default value to return if the entry has no corresponding value, does not exist, or does not represent a hexadecimal number.


Address of a null-terminated string identifying the section in the SYSTEM.INI file to search. Can be zero, in which case the service searches the [386Enh] section.


Address of a null-terminated string specifying keyname to search for.

A valid hexadecimal number consist of any combination of hexadecimal digits (0–9, A-F), and can be terminated with the uppercase or lowercase letter H.

See also Get_Profile_Boolean, Get_Profile_Decimal_Int, Get_Profile_Fixed_Point