

mov     ebx, VMCopyTo
mov     esi, VMCopyFrom
VxDcall DOSMGR_Copy_VM_Drive_State

Copies the drive and current directory state of all drives from one virtual machine to another virtual machine. This service can be called during a Create_VM message since it does not simulate calls or interrupts in either virtual machine; it just copies instance data from one to the other. Uses Flags.


Handle of the virtual machine to receive a copy of the drive state.


Handle of the virtual machine from which to copy the drive state.

This service does not change the current drive of the destination virtual machine.

This service does not disturb the InitDrvDir value set using the _DOSMGR_Set_Exec_VM_Data service if it is called before the _DOSMGR_Exec_VM service. The processing of InitDrvDir occurs during calls to the _DOSMGR_Exec_VM service.