
mov     eax, IRQHandle
mov     ebx, VMHandle
call    VID_EOI_Proc

Handles the end of an interrupt. The system calls this procedure whenever a hardware interrupt handler in the virtual machine issues an EOI. The procedure typically calls the VPICD_Clear_Int_Request and VPICD_Phys_EOI services to clear the virtual interrupt and end the physical interrupt.

The system disables interrupts before calling this procedure. The procedure can re-enable interrupts if necessary. Uses EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, and Flags.


Handle for the interrupt request.


Handle of the current virtual machine.

This procedure is typically used by a virtual device, such as the virtual mouse device, that lets a corresponding MS-DOS driver process hardware interrupts. The virtual device reflects the interrupt to the virtual machine that owns the mouse. The MS-DOS driver services the interrupt, and issues an EOI. At this point, the system calls the VID_EOI_Proc procedure.