

mov     eax, IRQHandle
mov     ebx, VMHandle
call    VID_Virt_Int_Proc

Handles virtual interrupts for a virtual device. The system calls the procedure whenever a simulated interrupt occurs. The procedure is useful for implementing critical sections around a simulated hardware interrupt.

The system disables interrupts before calling this procedure. The procedure can re-enable interrupts if necessary. Uses EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, and Flags.


Handle of the interrupt request.


Handle of the current virtual machine.

A virtual device requests a virtual interrupt by using the VPICD_Set_Int_Request service. Once set, the system simulates the interrupt at a convenient point in time. The call to this procedure signals that the simulated interrupt is underway, and can no longer be canceled using the VPICD_Clear_Int_Request service.

A virtual device that uses this procedure usually also uses the VID_Virt_IRET_Proc procedure to detect the end of the simulated interrupt.