Animation Control Macros and Member Functions

As you can see by looking at Table 2-5 on the following page, the functionality of the animation control is simple. Rather than listing messages, this table shows you the macros that the system supplies to manipulate animation controls. Some of the messages correspond to more than one member function, depending on the parameters you send to them. For me, it is far easier to understand the code if I use the macros, because they tell me exactly what I am trying to do.

Macro Member Function Description
Animate_Close Close Closes an AVI clip that was previously opened.
Animate_Create Create Creates an animation control.
Animate_Open Open Opens an AVI clip from a file or a resource and displays the first frame.
Animate_Play Play Plays an AVI clip without sound.
Animate_Seek Seek Displays a selected single frame of an AVI clip.
Animate_Stop Stop Stops playing an AVI clip.

Table 2-5. Animation control macros and member functions.