Importing RSM Media

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Applications that are upgrading to RSM must transition already written media into RSM. Moving legacy media that was created before RSM under the control of RSM is called importing the media. To import media that is currently in use, the application must allocate the media to acquire a logical media identifier (LMID) so that the media can be mounted and managed by RSM.

When media that has a recognized label but does not exist in the RSM catalog is inserted into an RSM drive or library, RSM places the media in the Import pool for that media type. The application can move the media from the Import pool and acquire an LMID by using the AllocateNtmsMedia function and specifying the partition to import and the destination application pool. RSM moves the media to the pool and returns an LMID for use with the media. If the media is two-sided, both sides must be imported into the same application pool. The reverse side remains in the import state until it is imported by the application. If the application user does not want to import the reverse side of the media, the application should import the media and deallocate it to make it available for reuse if desired.