[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The TRUSTEE_ACCESS structure is used with the TrusteeAccessToObject function to determine whether a trustee has specified access rights to an object or its properties.

typedef struct _TRUSTEE_ACCESS {
    LPTSTR          lpProperty;
    ACCESS_RIGHTS   Access;
    ULONG           fAccessFlags;
    ULONG           fReturnedAccess;


Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the GUID of a property on an object. You can use the UuidToString function to generate a string representation of a property GUID. If this member is NULL, TrusteeAccessToObject checks the trustee's access to the object. If this member is non-NULL, the function checks the trustee's access to the specified property on the object.
A bit mask that specifies the access rights to check. This member must use the provider-independent access flags, such as ACTRL_READ_CONTROL, rather than the Windows NT-specific access flags, such as READ_CONTROL. The provider for the object type converts these provider-independent flags to the corresponding provider-specific flags.

If fAccessFlags is TRUSTEE_ACCESS_READ_WRITE, set the Access member to zero.

For mappings of the Windows NT-specific access flags for the various object types to the corresponding provider-independent access flags, see Provider-Independent and Windows NT Access Rights.

Indicates whether the Access member specifies the access rights to check. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
TRUSTEE_ACCESS_EXPLICIT The Access member specifies the access rights to check.
TRUSTEE_ACCESS_READ_WRITE Check for READ, WRITE, or READ_WRITE access to the object. Set the Access member to zero.

When the TrusteeAccessToObject function returns, this member indicates the results of the access check. If fReturnedAccess returns zero, the trustee does not have the specified access to the object or property.

If the fAccessFlags member specified TRUSTEE_ACCESS_EXPLICIT, a value of TRUSTEE_ACCESS_ALLOWED indicates that the trustee has the access rights specified by the Access member.

If fAccessFlags specified TRUSTEE_ACCESS_READ_WRITE, this member can return one of the following values to indicate the allowed access rights.
Value Meaning
TRUSTEE_ACCESS_READ The trustee has only read access to the object or property.
TRUSTEE_ACCESS_READ_WRITE The trustee has both read and write access.
TRUSTEE_ACCESS_WRITE The trustee has only write access.


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in accctrl.h.
  Unicode: Defined as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Access Control Overview, Access Control Structures, TrusteeAccessToObject, UuidToString