The MAKEINTATOM macro creates an integer atom that represents a character string of decimal digits.

Integer atoms created by this macro can be added to an atom table by using the AddAtom or GlobalAddAtom function.

  WORD wInteger  // integer to make into atom


Specifies the numeric value to be made into an integer atom.

Return Values

The return value is a pointer to the atom created for the given integer.


Although the return value of the MAKEINTATOM macro is cast as an LPTSTR value, it cannot be used as a string pointer except when it is passed to atom-management functions that require an LPTSTR argument.

The DeleteAtom and GlobalDeleteAtom functions always succeed for integer atoms, even though they do nothing. The string returned by the GetAtomName and GlobalGetAtomName functions for an integer atom is a null-terminated string in which the first character is a pound sign (#) and the remaining characters are the decimal digits used in the MAKEINTATOM macro.

The MAKEINTATOM macro is defined as follows:

#define MAKEINTATOM(i)   (LPTSTR) ((DWORD) ((WORD) (i))) 


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in winbase.h.

See Also

Atoms Overview, Atom Macros, AddAtom, DeleteAtom, GetAtomName, GlobalAddAtom, GlobalDeleteAtom, GlobalGetAtomName