The MODEMSETTINGS structure contains information about a modem's configuration.

typedef struct modemsettings_tag {
    DWORD dwActualSize;            // size of returned data, in bytes
    DWORD dwRequiredSize;          // total size of structure
    DWORD dwDevSpecificOffset;     // offset of provider-defined data
    DWORD dwDevSpecificSize;       // size of provider-defined data

    // Static local options (read/write)
    DWORD dwCallSetupFailTimer;      // call setup timeout, in seconds
    DWORD dwInactivityTimeout;       // timeout, in tenths of seconds
    DWORD dwSpeakerVolume;           // speaker volume level
    DWORD dwSpeakerMode;             // speaker mode
    DWORD dwPreferredModemOptions;   // preferred options

    // negotiated options (read only) for current or last call
    DWORD dwNegotiatedModemOptions;  // bitmap specifying options
    DWORD dwNegotiatedDCERate;       // DCE rate, in bits per second

    // Variable portion for proprietary expansion
    BYTE  abVariablePortion[1];      // variable-length data


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data actually returned to the application. This member may be less than the dwRequiredSize member if an application did not allocate enough space for the variable-length portion of the structure.
Specifies the number of bytes required for the entire MODEMDEVCAPS structure, including the variable-length portion.
Specifies the offset of the provider-defined portion of the structure, in bytes relative to the beginning of the structure.
Specifies the size of the provider-defined portion of the structure, in bytes.
Specifies the maximum number of seconds the modem should wait, after dialing is completed, for an indication that a modem-to-modem connection has been established. If a connection is not established in this interval, the call is assumed to have failed. This member is equivalent to register S7 in Hayes® compatible modems.
Specifies the maximum number of seconds of inactivity allowed after a connection is established. If no data is either transmitted or received for this period of time, the call is automatically terminated. This time-out is used to avoid excessive long distance charges or online service charges if an application unexpectedly locks up or the user leaves.
Specifies the volume level of the monitor speaker when the speaker is on. This member can be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
MDMVOL_LOW Low volume.
MDMVOL_MEDIUM Medium volume.
MDMVOL_HIGH High volume.

The MODEMDEVCAPS structure specifies the speaker volumes a modem supports. Actual volumes are hardware-specific.

Specifies when the speaker should be on. This member can be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
MDMSPKR_OFF The speaker is always off.
MDMSPKR_CALLSETUP The speaker is on until a connection is established.
MDMSPKR_ON The speaker is always on.
MDMSPKR_DIAL The speaker is on until a connection is established, except that it is off while the modem is actually dialing.

Specifies the modem options requested by the application. The local and remote modems negotiate modem options during call setup; this member specifies the initial negotiating position of the local modem.

The dwModemOptions member of the MODEMDEVCAPSstructure specifies the modem options supported by the local modem. For a list of modem options, see the description of the MODEMDEVCAPS structure.

Specifies the modem options that are actually in effect. This member is filled in after a connection is established and the local and remote modems negotiate modem options.

The dwModemOptions member of the MODEMDEVCAPS structure specifies the modem options supported by the local modem. For a list of modem options, see the description of the MODEMDEVCAPS structure.

Specifies the DCE rate that is in effect. This member is filled in after a connection is established and the local and remote modems negotiate modem modulations.
Contains provider-defined information, if any.


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in mcx.h.

See Also

Communications Overview, Communication Structures, MODEMDEVCAPS